Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust

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Cobham Heritage Day

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Cobham Remembers

Have A Stall at Heritage Day

Heritage Day 2015 - Stallholder Application FormAre you a local charity, cottage industry or have a craft to share, or a local small independent business? If so, why not consider having a stall at Cobham Heritage Day?

We try to keep a good mix of stalls but limit the number of similar stalls, so if you have something unusual to offer which is in keeping with a village fair, do get in touch with us or download and complete the application form on the right. We reserve the right to decline applications at our discretion.

We don't make a formal charge for each 'pitch' but we do ask each stallholder to make a donation based on their takings for the day or what they feel they can afford.

Please read the Terms and Conditions included on the Application form especially the requirement for 3rd party insurance.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to get in touch with Edna Tipping via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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The Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust (CCHT) was relaunched in November 2005 from the Cobham Conservation Group. You can find out more about the Trust on the About Us page.

We hope you enjoy exploring our website and find the information interesting and stimulating and if you are not already a member that this will spur you on to join and support us. Click on the Membership menu for more details.

Become a Volunteer with Cobham Heritage

The Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust is a local charity which relies on vounteers to help run the Trust, promote local history and conservation issues and organise fund raising events such as our annual Cobham Heritage Day. If you think you might like to join us, visit our Volunteer Vacancies page to find out which roles you might like to get involved with. We always try to make it fun.

Some of Your Comments

"Massive thank you for all the trouble you go to and the trouble you give the planners etc. If only we had had someone on the watch back in the 60s."

The Elmbridge Hundred is a fascinating history of people and place...

Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Riverhill Greenflag Award

Green Flag Award

Open Spaces Award

Open Spaces Award