Registering Your Objection
Elmbridge Planning Applications
To find out more about an Elmbridge Planning Application either visit the Planning Office at the Esher Civic Centre (address below - ring 01372 474474 for appointment) or go to the Elmbridge Planning website where you can view the application online.
Search Elmbridge Planning Applications
All representations must be received by the council in writing. If by letter write to the following address:
Head of Town Planning
Elmbridge Borough Council
Civic Centre
High Street, Esher
Surrey KT10 9SD
It is becoming increasingly common to submit representations via the Elmbridge Planning website. If you find that facility is difficult to use or not working, we would recommend you send your comments via letter or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and ensure your representation is acknowledged. You can check on receipt because the representation should be posted on the Council’s website relating to the application within a couple of working days of despatch.
Please note:-
- Letters and Emails must include your name and home address to be accepted. In accordance with the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, any representations submitted will be made available for public inspection.
- Representations should be restricted to matters relevant to town planning such as the likely effects of the proposal on land use, local amenities and character of the area, the environment and countryside, traffic and parking. The effect on property values and private interests such as covenants cannot be taken into account.
- In all cases applications will be assessed against the provisions of the Elmbridge Borough Local Plan and other relevant supplementary guidance adopted by the Council. Minor or other applications not classed as major will normally be determined by the Strategic Director for Planning Services, under delegated authority, unless there are objections from more than fifteen households. In addition, any ward councillor may require cases to be brought to an Area Sub Committee for decision if there is notification within 28 days of validation.
- Major applications (equivalent to 10 or more dwellings) will be reported to the Planning Committee for decision without reference to an Area Planning Sub Committee.
Additional Planning Application information is available via the
Elmbridge Planning and Property Services website
Guildford Planning Applications
To find out more about a Guildford Planning Application either visit the Planning Office at Millmead (address below) or go to the Guildford Planning website where you can view the application online. Search Planning Applications
All representations must be received by the council in writing and should be sent to the following address:
Planning Department
Guildford Borough Council,
Millmead House, Millmead,
Guildford GU2 4BB
Alternatively, you can write to the Guildford Planning Dept. by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Letters and Emails must include your name and home address to be accepted.
Surrey County Council Planning Applications
To find out more about a Surrey Planning Application go to the Surrey County Council website where you can get more details.
Surrey County Council Planning
All "Letters of Representation" must be received by the council in writing and should be sent to the address shown in the application publicity or website.
Alternatively, you can write to the Planning Department by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Letters and Emails must include your name and home address to be accepted..