Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust

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“Planning Objections” to Wisley New Town

1. Public Transport – Trains and Busses and lack of them…
2. New Bus Services - along the lanes as being proposed…
3. Local Lane Users (cars, cycles, horses, walkers, and others) - how safe/flooded/bad/congested these are now and what an additional 5000 resident’s vehicles will bring, with their service vehicles and busses - as well as all the construction traffic over the 15-year build cycle. SCC apparently will approve the development provided all these lanes are restricted to 20MPH, etc. but how many expect all motorists to abide by these limits?
4. Users of the A3/M25 – the additional 5000 cars and all their service vehicles are expected to join the A3 and thus the M25 at the roundabout where Ockham Lane comes out. This is the same roundabout via which ALL the RHS Wisley visitor traffic (to and from both London and Guildford) will access the gardens following the M25 junction widening. Many will have experienced congestion and safety issues here even before all these changes.
5. Users of our medical facilities, dentists, schools, etc. Are these overloaded already? The new ~7000 residents (as well as those in the other developments hereabouts) are expected to travel to other existing such facilities!
6. Users of our water, sewerage systems, etc. Even now Water is often rationed (hosepipe bans), the Victorian sewer pipes are overloaded causing “backflows”, and the treatment plans are over capacity such that “waste” is being transported by lorry to be treated elsewhere…
7. Residents concerned about the Climate Emergency – e.g., there is no requirement for this site to be self-sustaining for energy.
8. Residents concerned about the protected wildlife species being threatened – Dartford Warbler, Skylark, Newts and more generally the Special Protection Areas being threatened (Ockham/Wisley Commons)
9. Residents concerned about the loss of local biodiversity e.g., badgers, and other important habitats as well as the local fauna and flora…
10. Residents concerned about the loss of 44 hectares of Best and Most Versatile (BMV) Agricultural Land (damaging food security)
11. Residents concerned Harm to local character and appearance (buildings and landscape and views)
12. Residents concerned about the loss of local residential amenity (to how you are presently able to enjoy the area) – walking, etc.
13. Residents concerned about damage to the area’s character e.g., to Ockham Conservation Area
14. Residents concerned about the cumulative effect of this development (alongside so many other developments locally)

August 2023


The Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust (CCHT) was relaunched in November 2005 from the Cobham Conservation Group. You can find out more about the Trust on the About Us page.

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Become a Volunteer with Cobham Heritage

The Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust is a local charity which relies on vounteers to help run the Trust, promote local history and conservation issues and organise fund raising events such as our annual Cobham Heritage Day. If you think you might like to join us, visit our Volunteer Vacancies page to find out which roles you might like to get involved with. We always try to make it fun.

Some of Your Comments

"I just wanted to extend very sincere thanks to you all – your hard work is to be commended – and we so appreciate having the opportunity of having a stand." - Animals Asia Foundation - Heritage Day Stallholder"

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