Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust

Former White Lion Development

Cobham White Lion (also know as the Vermont Exchange/NY Bar and Grill)

Developers are planning to redevelop the former White Lion on the Portsmouth Road (previously known as the Vermont Exchange & NY Bar and Grill). This is a Grade II listed building and is an important Cobham landmark.

For those who were unable to visit the exhibition on Wednesday (4 June 2014), the electronic version of the information boards which were on display, can be downloaded via the following link:

We would like to refer you to the section relating to Constraints and Opportunities.

A number of important points have already been made by those who went along:-

  • the size of the buildings are out of proportion to the Grade II White Lion building.
  • lack of adequate parking.
  • 61 units is too dense a development.
  • the proposal to demolish the old 'brewhouse' at the rear of the building, which was refused on a previous application.

We hope you will take the opportunity of studying the proposals and let us have your views. It will be high on the Agenda at our Open Meeting on Wednesday, 18 June 2014 at 8pm at the Cobham Village Hall. We expect a formal planning application to be submitted to the Elmbridge Planning department later this month.

The White Lion must not lose its status as the dominant building at Street Cobham.

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