Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust

Three Farms Meadows/Former Wisley Airfield Development Appeal Dismissed

We are very pleased to report that the Secretary of State has dismissed the appeal by the developers who want to build over 2000 houses on Green Belt land on the former Wisley Airfield site also known as Three Farms Meadows.

The original application made by the developers in April 2016 was refused by Guildford Borough Council.

The developers appealed and the planning proposal went to the Planning Inspectorate. The planning appeal hearing took place in September 2017 where interested parties were able to take part. The Cobham Conservation & Heritage Trust took part as a Rule 6 party, entitling it to cross-examine the developers witnesses. Other local interest groups including the Wisley Action Group (WAG) and Parish Councils, appointed barristers to further the case against. After the four week hearing the Inspector upheld Guildford's decision.

The developer appealed once more and the development was sent to the Secretary of State. After much deliberation the appeal has been dismissed today (13 June 2018) by the Secretary of State.

It will be interesting to see what effect this may have on the proposed Guildford Local Plan which is currently being examined by the Planning Inspectorate, the result of which is expected in July 2018.

Wisley Airfield Developers map

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